Jiangsu Huachang (Group) Co., Ltd.

The implementation of "Project Management" to promote innovative grassroots party building

Since October 2013 Group Party arranged to carry out the implementation of project management services in the deepening of the party building since each group's aggregate expenditure , combined with the actual branch , positive action , project management as the starting point , and effectively improve the grassroots Party organizations service capabilities.

To ensure that the project is set for scientific, practical , each Party branch , branch companies work around the key and difficult , hot issues, carry out research, presented more than 10 service projects, such as Party branch Huachang chemical fertilizer market for the intense competition to determine the " people into chang " project, will be invited to dealers across the country , customers chang , chang big companies feel the charm and strength of the company's fieldwork fertilizer production line , the quality of the fertilizer company has more intuitive feelings , increase trust ; against ordinary level employees on team management , payroll , labor supplies, safety and environmental protection have some ideas and suggestions to determine the " go grass roots, people listen to the sound of " project, the company will establish a fixed date for the leadership reception day , the reception staff visit, party , ideology league secretary to submit a report to the Party branch dynamic monthly reporting major ideological status of employees, staff epitomized the problems , the grassroots of the party , held once every quarter League branch staff forum to listen to employees' suggestions and ideas and so on. Seven continents branch for production safety work, proposed a " party building work and safe production with the resonance frequency " project, will focus on safety, production of two main lines, strengthen the " party building around the safe production , a good job of party building and promote safe production ." Party building work ethic, mutual promotion through party building and production safety , enhance risk awareness of responsibility for security frontline employees , strengthen the company's safety culture, and lay a solid foundation for security management , to achieve annual production safety is no accident. Glorious branch for empty nesters part of the community , poor families , disabled workers and other vulnerable groups receive less attention and care , to determine the " light of life with love " party services, monthly initiative to come to them to solve some of the difficulties in life , accompany old people use their spare time to chat, help clean up , so that they will truly feel the warmth of the community of nations , from the life and spirit to help them. Heng , Jinyuan , Solvay - Hang Cheong , Jiangnan Boilers , RAE , and Xin and other branches are also determined according to the actual business of party building services, provide a solid foundation for 2014 to carry out the work of party building project management .

To determine the party building services, according to "Who the project , who is responsible " principle, declared by the grassroots organizations responsible for the implementation , party will take field research, site meetings , seminars and other forms of progress of the project supervision and guidance to the work of party building and the organic integration of the economy , with the resonance frequency and mutually reinforcing.

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